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Sep 08, 2022 Release Notes

New features, updates, and fixes released on Thursday, September 08, 2022.

Existing Feature Updates

  • Updates to the 'Add Expense' modal:
    • Re-organized the fields and added a required icon indicating the preferred required fields.
    • Added an information tool-tip to the R&D percentage for a year when setting the value 80% or greater.
    • Automatically setting a project allocation and hiding the Global Allocation option if there is only one project in the Study.
  • Updated the description for each expense type, to be shown if no expenses have been added yet.
  • Updated the Document Upload form to improve the UI.


  • Fixed an issue on the calculation page when fiscal dates are adjusted (temporarily disabled these inputs)
  • Fixed an issue on the calculation page when 'Enter' is pressed after editing an amount.
  • Prevented the 'This is Accurate' from showing up unintentionally which switching tabs on the expense pages.
  • Fixed the 'Re-send Validation Email'