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Feb 01, 2023 Release Notes

New features, updates, and fixes released on Wednesday, Feb 01, 2023.

New Features

  • Added the ability to preview, edit, and generate a 6765 form within the platform, pre-filling fields from the study.
  • Answers to qualification questions are now automatically checked for duplication from a previous study, previous question responses can also be seen in the user interface.
  • Terms of Services have been updated so a new modal is added to ensure they are accepted. All users will need to accept the updated terms before continuing to use the application.

Existing Feature Updates

  • Enhanced the API and added database fields to create studies from a request, update the study statuses, and update tasks.
  • Added additional study statuses: 'Not Started', 'Invitations Sent', and 'Expert Review - Revisions' are now part of the study flow.
  • Added 'None of these' as an option on the eligibility quick test, excluded activities question.
  • Added the ability for all users to access and add Team Members, with more detailed restriction settings. 
  • Added Credit Utilization section to the Business Update page with a question for the 280C election and estimated income tax.


  • Improved the completion percentage shown on the dashboard during 'Initial Data Entry' step to be closer related to the completion of the first four steps.