1. Help Center
  2. Step 5: Expert Review

Step 5: The Expert Review (Client)

Once you have completed steps 1-4, you will have the ability to submit your work for review by your coordinator

To complete your review:

  1. Complete steps 1-4 by finishing the Business, Projects, Expenses and Documents sections.
  2. Click Submit for Review on the Study Overview page.
  3. The R&D expert team will receive a message that your study is ready for review and begin looking over the information that you have provided
  4. If your coordinator requires any further information or finds any changes that need to be made, you will receive a message and a set of tasks indicating those alterations.
  5. When you have made the requested changes, click Re-submit for Review.
  6. Once completed the Expert Review panel will provide a Submission Accepted Message along with the acceptance date.
Note: If you are a service provider looking for specifics on how to navigate the Expert Review page, visit Completing the Expert Review in Service Providers.
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