Allocate expenses to various project types in special circumstances. These include global allocation and un-selected eligible projects.
Global Allocation
While adding an employee, contractor, or supply, select Allocate Globally to evenly divide the allocation percentage across all eligible projects.
For example, this can apply to a CEO who spent 5% of their time managing and working on a variety of R&D projects. Without knowing the exact percentages the CEO spent on each project, a portion of the CEO’s salary qualifies as an R&D expense. Therefore, the time should be allocated globally.
Allocate to Un-selected Eligible Projects
If an expense has allocations to a project that is eligible, but not selected for detailed documentation, it may be done so under Project Allocations by selecting un-selected eligible projects in the project drop-down menu (when adding a single expense) or by including its allocation in the un-selected eligible projects column (when uploading via Excel).
Note: The ability to allocate an expense to unselected-eligible projects is only available if you have chosen not to skip project tabulation in the study settings.