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  2. Basics of an R&D Study

Progress Tracking

Track your progress as you move through your R&D study by observing the study status.

You can track the progress of you study from many locations by observing the prominently displayed study status. As you reach certain milestones in the process this status will change, indicating what your next steps should be and who (client or service provider) should complete the work.

Initial Data Entry: Client

  1. Complete steps 1-4 on the Study Overview page
    1. Business
    2. Projects
    3. Expenses
    4. Documents
  2. Once all initial data is entered, click Submit for Review in the Expert Review section.

Expert Review: Service Provider

  1. Your study is now being reviewed by a tax expert. Once the review is complete, your team will receive an email with further instructions.

Revisions Requested: Client

  1. Your tax expert has discovered some changes that need to be made to your study. Check your team's tasks on the Workflow page for further information.
  2. Once all required changes have been made, click Re-submit for Review in the Expert Review section.

Finalizing Study: Service Provider

  1. Your submission has been approved! The tax team now just needs to complete some final steps including calculating your R&D credit and generating your final reports for the IRS.
  2. Once these steps have been completed your team will be contacted by your tax expert 
Study Complete
  1. Your study has been locked and marked as complete. Please download your final reports from the Documents page.
    1. Note: A locked study is read-only and cannot be edited. To unlock your study contact your service provider.

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