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SME Sign-Off on Projects

Use of the SME Sign-Off button to confirm that all information has been confirmed as accurate by a subject matter expert from your team.

Once you have reached 100% completion on a project, the option to have the Subject Matter Expert (SME) sign-off on the details will become available. As an SME, to sign-off on a project:

  1. Ensure that the project completion is 100%
  2. Select the SME Sign-Off button.
  3. If an SME has been assigned to the project, their name will auto fill under section 1. If not, enter the attester’s name.
    1. Note: to add an SME to an existing project edit the project
  4. Under section 2, select if you are attesting to the expenses for the project, the qualifications for the project, or both.
  5. Click Save.

KB SME Sign-Off on Projects

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