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Performing Eligibility Tests

After adding projects, perform an eligibility test on each project.

Note: Eligibility tests are only required if not skipping project tabulation in Study Settings.

In order for a project to be eligible for the R&D tax credit, certain criteria must be met. When adding a project, its eligibility status is Untested.

Perform Eligibility Test on a Single Project

  1. Click the blue Untested button to perform the test.
  2. The Quick Eligibility Test will guide you through each question to determine project eligibility. Depending on the answers to the questions, there are three possible outcomes for project eligibility. (See chart below)
  3. In the last step, enter an Estimated Qualification Percentage for eligible projects. This is an initial estimate of what percentage of the project costs will qualify.
  4. Enter additional details about the project in the Eligibility Comments section.
    KB Perform Eligibility Test on a Single Project

Perform Eligibility Test on Multiple Projects

  1. On the All Projects tab, select the Bulk Edit button.
  2. Select projects by either checking their individual boxes to the right of the Eligibility column or by clicking Select All. Deselect projects by unchecking their individual boxes to the right of the Eligibility column or by selecting Clear All.
  3.  Choose Perform Group Test to perform multiple eligibility test simultaneously on the selected projects.

KB Perform Eligibility Test on Multiple Projects

Result Description
Eligible Results if all the questions were answered leading to a project most likely being eligible for the R&D credit. You can enter an estimated qualification percentage for the project in this case.
Ineligible Results if the questions were answered leading to a project most likely being ineligible for the R&D credit. The following answers lead a project to likely be ineligible: (1) It is not an update or new project, (2) It is internal use software and did not meet the high threshold test for IUS.  
Unsure This is the result if the ‘Unsure’ option is chosen during the test. Comments can be added providing more detail about why ‘Unsure’ was selected. This test result is shown on the table to be re-visited later, when a final eligibility is entered.



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