July 2023 Release Notes
New features, updates, and fixes released in the month of July, 2023.
New Features
- Project / Activity examples have been added to the Projects Page based on the client's industry type.
- Existing clients can now refer others to Clarus that they think might benefit from the R&D tax credit from the Dashboard
Existing Feature Updates
- Time Surveys:
- Additional time surveys can now be added after they have been sent.
- Time surveys can now be reopened and edited once completed by a service provider.
- Auto notifications are now sent to users reminding them to complete their assigned surveys. This feature can be controlled via the Workflow Page
- W2 Import:
- Further details have been added about past uploads and can be viewed from the expenses page
- Excel Import error messaging:
- Further detail provided in error messages related to duplicate expenses.
- General UI fixes and improvements.